Breed: Beagle/Spaniel mix
DOB: 2012
Sex: Neutered male
Weight: 40 pounds

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin$360Raised $360 towards the $360 target.$360Raised $360 towards the $360 target.100%

The mass was a Peripheral odontogenic fibroma with marked chronic-active gingivitis.  Translation is that it is a benign very slow growing mass that does not invade bone nor does it metastasize and it is suspected to originate from chronic irritation caused by plaque and tartar.  While the margins of the biopsy were not totally clear, the bad tooth was removed so it is not likely to grow back.  If it would, it could easily be removed at routine dental cleaning.

Original Post:

There was this yucky thing on my teeth and gums and it doesn’t bother me at all.  But my veterinarian says we had to take it out and make sure it isn’t something bad that will spread.  I had to have surgery and they sent the tissue to a laboratory to find out what it is.

Meanwhile, I also had a sore under my eye that they checked out when I was “sleeping” for the surgery.  They found a tooth that was so infected that it had tried to drain through my cheek!   Now these humans understand why I wouldn’t let them look at it before I was under anesthesia.  It was sore!

My foster mom asks you to cross your fingers that the growth in my gums is just something benign.  OH, but you can un-cross them long enough to click on the button below to help me with my surgery bill if you want.  Or you can un-cross them to write a check and mail it to the address below.

Either way, I thank you!

Or mail a donation to: Animal Placement Bureau, P. O. Box 80146, Lansing, MI 48908-0146

If you would like more information, please email