Extensive Dental work
Breed: Manchester Terrier mix
DOB: 2001
Sex: Neutered male
Weight: 25 pounds
Foster home: Jenifer
Help! Izzo needs a dental and several extractions. Infection from lack of dental care is causing him additional health issues that can be minimized with proper dental care. His infection is in his teeth and gums. It is severe. He needs chest X-rays to help monitor his heart severe murmur to ensure he can withstand the dental surgery.
My name is Izzo, I am a male, 25lb Manchester Terrier. I am a senior dog – 14 years old. I need some dental work done, and APB could really use some help with that. The vet says that no one has taken care of my teeth for a really long time. I also have to have a couple more tests to ensure I don’t have other health issues before they put my under for the dental work. So far the important tests are all coming back good and show I am pretty healthy, but all those tests add up to lots of dollars. Do you have some dollars for me?
I am one of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet. I love love love to take walks and sleep under my blanket. I hope to find a family that will love me through my final years and not make fun of me once my teeth are gone. My foster mom explained to me that my tongue will probably hang out of my mouth once my teeth are pulled. I have never had dental work, the surgery will probably be less painful that the infection in my mouth, so I don’t care if I look silly. I can’t wait to be pain free.
I like other dogs. I live with puppies and a couple mid life dogs and a cat in my foster home. I like them all. I am willing to share my food and water and even treats. Those puppies don’t understand any manners yet so my foster mom appreciates that I let them take treats out of my mouth. And I have learned when I share I get extra treats after the rest go in their cages.
I am potty trained and don’t have any accidents. I am a little hard of hearing, but that’s ok and I have cataracts in both eyes but I still see things. I come with my blanket and my leopard print bed. I love them. I prefer them over any other bed or blanket. I know exactly how to fix my blanket so it covers me completely.
Izzo is a wonderful dog, easy to fall in love with. He just wants to be loved, cuddled, carried sometimes and walked daily. He likes to sleep on the bed, with his blanket, but he can’t get up and down on his own. He is just as happy to sleep in his bed next to your bed.
Think Izzo is the guy for you? Apply for me! Email thompsoncd1@aol.com if you have questions!