Elongate Palate Surgery
Hannah is a sweet, funny Pug lady who is in good health but has a condition known as “elongated soft palette”. What this means is that she has a partially obstructed airway and has trouble breathing whenever she gets too excited, walks a long distance, or is too warm. Hannah needs surgery to correct this condition. This is a common surgery needed for Pugs, so we are asking for your help for Hannah!
Little Hannah appreciates it and looks forward to breathing normally!
Update 2/20/09:
Hannah has recovered nicely from a series of urinary tract infections, only to face yet another setback. She had a large mass in her lower abdomen that had to be removed surgically. We are waiting on the biopsy results and wishing her a speedy recovery from her surgery.
Update 3/06/09
Wonderful news! Hannah’s biopsy came back negative! She is cancer free and is recovering nicely from her surgery.
Update 06/09
Hannah is scheduled for her soft pallette surgery on June 18th – we’ll be able to update on her progress after she’s recovered!
Update 08/12/09
Hannah has recovered nicely from her surgery, and the timing is perfect. She can now breathe much easier, especially now that we have hot summer weather! Thanks so much to all who donated funds for her medical care.
Update 12/17/09
Hannah is doing really well; she is on special food to prevent urinary tract infections, and it appears to be working nicely! She is in good spirits and has not had any infections for some time now. That’s the good news; the bad news is that she was injured by another dog and has lost sight in one eye. Although the vet saved the eyeball, it is taking a long time to heal, and she has medicated eye drops twice a day. Hopefully the eye will heal completely, but in the meantime, Hannah’s receiving lots of love and attention in her foster home.
Update 7/14/10
Hannah (aka “Banana”) has been switched to a different eye medication, and the new medication seems to work much better! We are hopeful that she is more comfortable on the new meds. Hannah is doing quite well, despite another small lump in her abdomen, which the doctor feels can be left alone for the time being. We will keep an eye on the lump, and in the meantime, Hannah will continue to be her foster daddy’s shadow!
Update: 10/8/10
The small lump in Hannah’s abdomen had grown larger and needed removal. Sadly, we have learned that Hannah has adrenocarcinoma. Although the surgery removed all the cancer from the lump, there were traces of cancer in her lymphatic channels. We do not know if or when the cancer will return, but we will keep Hannah happy and comfortable for whatever time she is given. Please consider sponsoring her to help offset the cost of her most recent surgery.
Thanks to Jean Christie & Linda Allen for sponsoring Hannah!