Heartworm treatement
Breed: Shih Tzu
DOB: 2009
Sex: Neutered male
Foster home: Julie
I am a little different from other dogs because I am an albino but other than not having any color, I still must be “tasty” to mosquitoes. Yup, you got it. I have heartworm disease and it isn’t cheap for me to get treatment. Now I have to wait until I am cured before I can find my forever home – it will be a lot longer than the healthy dogs have to wait. If only my previous owner had given me the heartworm preventative! My foster mom just doesn’t understand why someone would want to risk having his or her dog die instead of giving me the monthly preventative. It is a lot cheaper than treating me will be!
One good thing though is I am not deaf. I can be stubborn sometimes and I might ignore you calling me but I do hear you.
If you are looking for a way to help out dogs, think about helping me. Thanks!
UPDATE: My heartworm treatment is completed. That means I am ready for adoption!