Bladder stone removal and urostomy
Breed: Shih Tzu
DOB: 2010
Sex: Neutered male
Weight: 20 pounds
Foster home: Lisa
Yep, there’s two of us fuzzy ‘lil sci-fi guys!
My name is Ewok…my owners took me to the vet, ’cause I wasn’t peeing. Turns out I had bladder stones – they were all lined up in a row like BB’s! Ouch!! I had to have surgery right away, and they couldn’t afford it. So they signed me over to the vet clinic, and they called APB to fix me all up!
Because I had so many stones, and they were all packed up where stones shouldn’t be, I had to have a urostomy – I pee like a girl now. Please don’t tell the other boys!!! I don’t lift my leg, tho, so it’s not a big deal to me. Then I had to have another surgery a couple of days later, there were a couple of tiny stones left, and they were blocking my new opening. Yikes!
I was a ‘lil bit cranky at the vet – hey, if you hadn’t peed for DAYS, you’d be cranky, too! Once I got settled into my foster home, no more cranky boy. I like to be in laps, or up in a chair. Not much for these other DOGS, or for toys; just ear scritches, please.
Two surgeries cost lots of biscuit dollars, and I don’t have that many cookies – can you send some biscuit dollars to help? I really am a CUTE ‘lil guy, aren’t I???? Please help me!