Breed: Poodle mix
DOB: Senior
Sex: Neutered male
Weight: 6 pounds
Update: Atticus has gone to the bridge and while he will be missed, he had a good life while we had him and he knew he was loved.
Atticus is a senior toy poodle mix who is around 14-15 years old. He is mostly blind, hard of hearing, has severe arthritis in his back, slow muscle response in his back legs and is showing high levels of Kidney and Liver indicators from his initial blood tests. Further testing has shown us that he has an enlarged heart, and a tumor on his liver. He also has chronic dry eye and has been diagnosed with a corneal ulcer which if not treated correctly, could cause him to lose an eye.
At this time, we are considering Atticus a Hospice dog, and our goal is to keep him comfortable and happy for the time he has left. His medical tests and treatments already have cost over $600 and he will need eye drop medicines for the remainder of his days.
If you can, please help with the medical costs for this cute, sweet little guy.
Or mail a donation to: Animal Placement Bureau, P. O. Box 80146, Lansing, MI 48908-0146
Email hanaburg@gmail.com if you have any questions.